quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

Guidelines for contributors

1. The Editorial Board has the task of selecting and revising the articles. All articles will be peer reviewed. At first submission, articles must not contain any indication of the author’s identity; authors should, wherever possible, refer to their own work in the third person. More extensive and personalized reference to an author’s previous work may be made in the final version.
Articles of rejected submissions are not returned.

2. Changes and amendments suggested by the Editorial Board will be sent to the author, so that modifications can be made, in a determined timetable.

3. Articles must be sent digitally, font Garamond, font size 12 and spacing 1,5. Subtitles should not include underline nor numeration. If it is necessary to emphasize a word, italic can be used. Underline or bold must not be used in the body of the text. Pages must be in A4 size and numerated.

4. Articles must be written in English or French and should not exceed 20 pages (including notes and bibliography).

5. Articles must include an abstract in the language used in the paper (max. 200 words), as well as keywords (max.5). It is the responsibility of the Editorial Board to include the translation of the abstract in Portuguese.

6. Text citations should conduct to bibliographic references in footnotes.

7. At the end of the article, bibliography must be included, in alphabetical order of the authors surname and, in the case of more than one work by the same author, chronological order must be used.

7.1. Books
e.g. VERNUS, P., Essai sur la conscience de l’Histoire dans l’Égypte pharaonique, Paris, Librairie Honoré Champion, Editeur, 1995

7.2. Chapter of books
e.g. BAINES, J., “Origins of Egyptian Kingship”, in O’CONNOR, D., SILVERMAN, D., (eds), Ancient Egyptian Kingship, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1995, 95 – 156

7.3. Articles
e.g. JEFFREYS, D., “Looking for Early Dynastic Memphis”, in Egyptian Archaeology 10 (1997): 8 – 9

8. If the article includes images/figures/illustrations, these should not exceed the number of 10 (ten). Images/figures must be sent in a separate archive in JPG, PNG or TIFF, with high resolution. Illustrations, graphics and tables should be black and white, with caption, source and enumerated.
8.1. Authors must be assured of having all permissions necessary to publish images/illustrations/photograps.

9. All articles must include author’s identification: name, e-mail and institutional provenance.

10. Articles must be submitted both in hard copy and CD/DVD.
Articles must be sent to: Drª Maria Helena Trindade Lopes, Editor of Hathor, Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Av. De Berna, n.º 26 - C, 1069-061 Lisboa, and as .pdf to hathor@fcsh.unl.pt

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